for medical students and young health professionals

Rural sensitisation programmes are 3 day sensitisation programmes being organised at Tribal Health Initiative, Sittilingi and Gudalur Adivasi hospital, Gudalur to expose medical students, postgraduate students and junior doctors to rural life and problems, models of community health and to explore their role in contributing to health care in the country. During the camps you will have opportunity to:

  • Stay in a rural area for 3 days
  • See the real India first hand – its people, its dreams, its problems
  • Travel to remote villages and interact with people there
  • Meet resource persons from many fields and learn
  • Make friends with similar aspirants
  • Be part of a movement to make our country better


Mainstream medical and health professionals’ education does not provide opportunity for students to experience actual contexts of health problems in rural India. The environment of medical colleges educates students in mainstream medical knowledge and practice in large hospitals and tertiary care. However there are widening disparities in health and poor access to health care particularly in rural parts of our country. There is mismatch between the settings where education takes place, and where health work is much needed.

There are an increasing number of young doctors who are dissatisfied with the trends in mainstream health-care and searching for alternatives. They are looking for opportunities to experiment, innovate, become entrepreneurs and make a change in the present health scenario.

We have also appreciated the impact of the programme NIRMAN started in Maharashtra by Dr. Abhay and Dr. Rani Bang to identify, nurture and organize young change makers to solve various societal problems. We wanted to develop a programme along these lines appropriate to South India.

There have been many experiments across the country in the NGO sector of providing health delivery systems linked with efforts in related fields such as school education, food security, livelihood, housing, land rights and community empowerment. Tribal health Iniitiative (THI), Sittilingi and ASHWINI and ACCORD in Gudalur are two such initiatives in South India. Young health professionals can benefit from exposure to such experiments through the rural sensitisation programme. We hope such exposures, may make young people think about their role in addressing the country’s health problems.

To address this gap, we have started the 3 day rural sensitisation programme (RSP) for medical students and junior doctors. RSP was organised to provide MBBS students and young doctors an exposure to alternative approaches to health care, interact with primary health care practitioners and discuss issues in health care. The response was overwhelming with about 150 students requesting to participate in RSP 2019. The programme was started first in Tribal Health Initiative in 2017 and in Gudalur Adivasi hospital in May 2019.

News articles on RSP


Upcoming RSP Date – September 30 to October 2, 2023

RSP at Basic HealthCare Services

Basic HealthCare Services(BHS) is driven by the vision of a responsive and effective healthcare ecosystem that is rooted in the community, where the most vulnerable communities can actively access high-quality, low-cost health


The next Rural Sensitization Programme is being held at ASHWINI-Gudalur Adivasi Hospital on the 12th, 13th and 14th of May. Apply and be a part of the next RSP to be held